

Our Sighthound Spring Club show was held, as always, in Padenghe sul Garda. Almost 400 sighthounds were present, of them almost 50 Borzois. The breed was judged by esteemed breeder-judge Marina Ovstrovskaya, kennel Solovyev (RUS).
HIBA: EXC1, RCAC, Social Champion 2013. HIBA IS SOCIAL CHAMPION 2013 !!
Hollie was also present (EXC3).

Hiba during the judgement

  Some of the many bitches entered in open class
 Hollie and Hiba
 Hiba and Hollie on the move

 Hiba and Hollie confronted

Hiba wins her class!

 Hollie being judged

  Hakon was also entered, here shown by his handler Alice Varchi
At home someone rests... Here Bonnie and Hiba
Kess, Bonnie and Ginny

Gioia, 14 years old
Ginny...who does she look like with folded ears??  :-D

NEWS - CACIB Pohoroje (SLO) 21-4-2013 - CAC Rovinj (HR) 20-4-2013

CACIB Pohoroje (SLO) 21-4-2013.
BONNIE (Nightfire's Top Secret): EXC1, JCAC, JBOB!! Judge Mrs. Ingrid Ehold (A).
HIBA: EXC1, CAC, RCACIB. Judge Alenka Pokorn (SLO).
EVOLET: EXC1, CAC, CACIB, Best Bitch, BOB and BOG2 !! Olga Sinko Kupriyanova (SLO). Evolet new Slovenian Champion. (Welsh Corgi Pembroke handling Marina, owner E. Scarponi)

CAC Rovinj (HR) 20-4-2013.
BONNIE: EXC1, JCAC, JBOB and BOB!! Srecko Kukic (HR). A soli 9 mesi e mezzo Bonnie ha preso il suo primo BOB !!
Evolethandling by Marina, owner E. Scarponi: EXC1, CAC, BB, BOB!! Judge Vibor Jesek (HR). Evolet new Croatian Champion!
Evolet BOG2
Bonnie in ring per lo spareggio Best Junior
Spareggio Best Bitch

Evolet BOB
Here Yvonne Weber, Bonnie's breeder (Nightfire Kennel (D)), whit  papillon

During this days ci ha allietato la compagnia di Heldar. Ecco alcune foto.
Heldar likes Ginny too mutch...

Heldar, head

Heldar placed.  cm 84.
Heldar, head - Heldar e mummy Bagrijana


Heldar and Hella: tipico dimorfismo sessuale, ben visibile anche nelle teste

Heldar, Bagrijana, Hiba and Hella

 Bonnie very good 'retriever'...

Playtime. Bagrijana and Hiba

 Hiba and Bonnie

cuddle time

 'Phitoterapy'...: Hiba likes very much this little white flowers. Più volte al giorno si 'spalma' su di essi per cospargersi di piccoli petali e profumo. Other times semplicemente si appoggia, col fianco, ai vasi e lì resta per alcuni minuti, oppure ci sprofonda il muso annusando a fondo. Ha mostrato la tecnica anche a Heldar...che l'ha osservata senza capirne bene lo scopo...sarà perchè è maschio...?  :-)

Ginny and Kess