Matteo and Pinchy, Marta and Bagrijana, Anna and Nina, Marina and Kess and Angie, Andrea and Diana.
We're a monther and her 4 sons that share the common passion for animals. Some years ago we moved to Trieste, but we still visit our hometown, Milan. Our dogs are family members and live together in harmony with different species. Our puppies are raised in the family in close contact with all family members and are looked after adequately and given the best attention (visit our page HOW WE BREED). They are eventually socialized and educated and they are given up only to future owners who will maintain contact with us.
Though our dogs are family members, nd live in close contact with us, they have a garden, a courtyard and a big terrace where they can play even during the hours passed at home or to enjoy a fresh summer night. They are almost never left alone. At least two dogs accompany us in all the family activities: trips (in this case we always go all together), days spent at the beach, week-end visiting friends, horse riding outings or lessons, city walks, walks in dog parks with other dogs, etc.
We also actively take part in dog showswith excellent results (visit the page "SHOWS") and in some lure coursings.
You're also welcome to visit our other websites: the kennel's website in italian (; my daughter Marina's blog and website, english language only (Marina's website and
Studia salute e benessere animale all'Università di Udine. Ha frequentato vari stage cinofili ed il Master Allevatori. Sta conseguendo anche il diploma di Pet Care.
Fin da piccola appassionata di borzoi, si impegna molto per migliorarne la razza.
Fin da piccola appassionata di borzoi, si impegna molto per migliorarne la razza.
Marina è Handler, membro del Junior Handling Association,
Artist. Mother of Andrea, Marina, Matteo and Marta,
fin da piccola appassionata di natura ed affascinata dal borzoi. Ha copiuto studi artistici, campo in cui ha lavorato e ricominciato a dedicarsi.
fin da piccola appassionata di natura ed affascinata dal borzoi. Ha copiuto studi artistici, campo in cui ha lavorato e ricominciato a dedicarsi.
Anna è la 'chioccia' della famiglia per quanto riguarda figli ed animali. Sostiene, incoraggia, aiuta in particolare il gran lavoro e passione di Marina per il mondo cinofilo.
Anna, Marta, Angie.

Marta, Anna and Marina with Hiba, Bagrijana and Hella on Molo Audace (Trieste).
Marina with the borzoi puppies Hiba and Hella, and Angie, the Chinese Crested Dog on the terrace.
Marta, Anna and Marina with Hiba, Bagrijana and Hella on Molo Audace (Trieste).
Anna with Hella, Hiba and mother Bagrijana.
Marta with a Lipizzan foal.Marta at the riding school, taking a lesson with a haflinger.
Marina with Verbena after a competition, with her medal.
Trieste, lovely and confortable city, offers many many places for beautiful trips in the area.
Andrea with Heldar as a puppy during a walk in Miramare's Castle Park (Trieste).
Marta and Hiba as a puppy during one of our walk in the fileds surronding the city (Trieste).
Marta and Marina with Hiba, Hella, Diana and Bagrijana.
Andrea during the historical reenactment festival in Cividale with Diana.
Andrea and Diana take frequent and long walks in the wilderness.
overlooking Trieste.
the peculiar vegatation of this land, the Carso.
One of our pleasant encounters. We taught our dogs not to hunt, but some meters of full-speed happy runs with some roe deer, chamois, hare or pheasant is quite satisfactory for our dogs. :-)

Miramare Castle (Trieste).
Heldar, Hiba, Bagrijana, Hella, with Marta and Anna.
bicycle rides.

Some rest after a bicylce ride.

Playing with snow (Matteo, Andrea and Kess).
By the river:
Kess finds and retrieves the rock and sitcks thrown in the river;
a refreshing bath for everyone;
and afterwards get dried in the sun.

Runs in the fields with Diana
Sons and dogs have fun in the sea. In this picture, at Fido Lido in Muggia, the only dog beach in the province of Trieste.Diana is an excellent and very fast swimmer thanks to her "webbed" paws.
Kess retrieves the flying disc.
Bagrijana swims with Marina.
Angie, after a nice swim, enjoys the fresh shade under the trees.
Our dogs enjoy lure coursing (a speed race in the fileds following a plastic bow pulled by a power-driven rope) very much. Thanks to the near Slovenian Club for Sighthounds (Slovenski klub za hrte) we have the possibility to train and race our dogs. The environment is realxed due to the harmony between sighthound owners, and we appreciate it very much.
Diana and Kess at the starting line.
Diana and Kess, during the prize-giving at a coursing in Slovenia. Kess receives often excellent points and judgements.
To work with our dogs is always satisfactory because of what this brings to our relationship, in addition to how we use it to create a harmonious and well-behaved pack. To have fun together, strenghen our friendship, work together with friends and trainers along with other dogs gives joy to us and our dogs.
With the puppies at Laura's training camp in Basovizza (Trieste).Marina with Diana and Hiba,and Max with Angie at his training camp in Basovizza (Trieste).
At Susan and Susanna's training camp (Bergamo),
Bagrijana, always curious and eager to learn new things, walks the dogwalk all by herself and with no explanaition.
At home some jumps. Angie and Pinchy (the quickest one in leaarning new things).
Marina with Hella, Bagrijana, Hiba, Diana and Kess.
Marina with Diana, Hella, Kess, Bagrijana, Bonnie as a puppy and Hiba
...even Ginny arrives and Bonnie preforms the requested command ("sit").
Videos: Marina and the pack II Marina and the pack I

Marina with Diana, Hella, Kess, Bagrijana, Bonnie as a puppy and Hiba
...even Ginny arrives and Bonnie preforms the requested command ("sit").
Videos: Marina and the pack II Marina and the pack I
Our desire is to keep contact with all the new families our puppies go to with lovely occasions and rendevouz. This pic-nic was organized for the H litter's first bithday, with their families present at Villa Varda Park in Brugnera (Pordenone). Below cakes for humans and dogs...
One of our priorities is to let our dogs play as much as possible. It's healthy for physique and character and it's a wonderful occasion to socialize with new dogs and people.

4 borzois come back Hella and Hiba play with Diesel the Pitbull
Hella, Hiba and Mou play at Fido Lido Hiba and Bagrijanaplay covered in mud
Cuddles and relax bring peace to humans and dogs both: it's our "family pet therapy"!
Diana with Pinchy and Angie.
Gioia and Angie.
Marina and Heldar during one of our walks.
Marina with Halina and Hiba. Marta and Hiba both very tired.
Marta fell asleep and didn't notice that Gioia is keeping her company.

Hella and Halina.
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