FCI-Standard N° 193  / 22. 11. 2006 / GB
TRANSLATION: R.K.F., revised by U. Fischer, R. Triquet and J.Mulholland.
ORIGIN: Russia. 
UTILIZATION: Hunting sighthound, racing and coursing hound.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 10 Sighthounds. Section 1 Long-haired or fringed Sighthounds. Without working trial.              
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya has been an integral part of the national culture and Russian history for 9 centuries. The French Chronicle of the XIth century shows that three Borzois accompanied the daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev, Anna Iaroslavna when she arrived in France to become the wife of Henri I.  Among the owners and breeders there were many famous people including Tsars and poets: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Nicolas II, Pushkin, Turgenev. The creation of the famous kennel « Pershinskaya okhota » by the illustrious breeders the Grand Duke Nicolai Nicolaevitch and Dimitri Valtsev had great importance.  From the end of the XIXth century, the Borzoi is seen in the biggest breeding kennels of Europe and America.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Dog of aristocratic appearance, of large size, of lean and at the same time robust constitution, of a very slightly elongated construction.  Females are generally longer than males.  Strong bone structure but not massive.  The bones are rather flat.  Muscles lean, well developed, especially on the thighs, but not showing in relief.  Harmony of form and movement is of prime importance. 
·In males the height at the withers is equal or barely superior to that from the summit of the croup to the ground.
·In females these two heights are equal. 
· The height at the withers must be slightly inferior to the length of the body. 
· The depth of the chest is approximately equal to half the height at the withers.
· The length of the muzzle, from the stop to the tip of the nose, is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to the stop.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : In its everyday life the Borzoi has a quiet and balanced character. At the sight of game it gets suddenly excited.  It has a piercing sight, capable of seeing very far.  Its reaction is impetuous.
HEAD : Viewed from above as well as from the side, lean, long, narrow, aristocratic.  Seen in profile, the lines of the skull and muzzle form a long, slightly convex line, the line of the sagittal crest being straight or slightly oblique towards the well marked occipital protuberance.  The head is so elegant and lean that the principal veins show through the skin.
Skull : Narrow; seen from above : elongated into an oval shape; seen in profile, almost flat. 
Stop : Only very slightly marked.
Nose : Large, mobile, considerably prominent in relation to the lower jaw.
Top of muzzle : Long, filled out in all its length, slightly arched near the nose. 
Muzzle : The length of the muzzle from the stop to the tip of the nose is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to the stop.
Lips : Fine, clean, well fitting. The eye-rims, the lips and the nose are black whatever the colour of the coat.
Jaws/Teeth : Strong underjaw. Teeth white, strong; scissor bite or pincer bite.
Eyes : Large, very slightly prominent, expressive, dark hazel or dark brown, almond-shaped, but not slit-eyed, set obliquely.
Ears : Small, thin, mobile, set on above the eye level and backwards, pointing almost towards the nape of the neck when not alert. The tips of the ears are situated near each other or directed downwards along the neck and close to it.  When the dog is alert, the ears are carried higher and on the sides or forward; sometimes one or both ears are erect like horse ears.
NECK : Long, clean, flattened laterally, muscled, slightly arched, never carried high.
Withers : Not marked.
Back : Broad, muscled, elastic, forming with the loin and croup a curve which is more pronounced in the males.  The highest point of this curve is situated ahead of the middle of the loin or in the region of the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Loin : Long, prominent, muscled, moderately broad.
Croup : Long, broad, slightly sloping.  The width of the croup measured between the two hip bones (iliac crests) must not be less than 8 cm.
Chest : Of oval cross-section, not narrow, yet not wider than the croup, deep, well developed in length, spacious, reaching down almost to elbow level.  The region of the shoulder blades being flatter, the chest gets gradually wider towards the false ribs, which are short; seen in profile, it forms a change in slope.  The ribs are long, slightly prominent.  The forechest is slightly prominent in relation to the scapular-humeral articulation.
Belly : Well tucked up, the underline rises abruptly towards the abdomen.
TAIL : In shape of sickle or sabre, low set, thin, long.  Passed between the hindlegs, it must reach up to the hip bone (iliac crest), furnished with abundant feathering.  When the dog is standing naturally, the tail hangs downwards.  In action, it is raised, but not above the level of the back.
Forelegs clean, muscled, seen from the front perfectly straight and parallel.  The height of the forelegs from the elbow to the ground is equal or a little superior to half  the height at the withers.
Shoulders : Shoulder blades are long and oblique.
Upper arm : Moderately oblique; its length is barely superior to the length of the shoulder blade.  Angle of the scapular-humeral articulation well pronounced.
Elbows : In parallel planes to the median plane of the body.
Forearm : Clean, long, of oval cross-section; seen from the front, narrow, seen in profile, broad.
Metacarpus (pastern) : Slightly oblique in relation to the ground.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind : straight, parallel, set slightly wider than the forequarters.  When the dog is standing naturallly, the vertical line dropping from the ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttocks) must pass in front of the centre of the hock joint and of the metatarsals.
Upper thigh : Well muscled, long, placed obliquely.
Lower thigh : Long, muscled, placed obliquely.  The femoro-tibial and the tibio-tarsal articulations well developed, broad, clean; the angles must be well marked.
Metatarsus (rear pastern) : Not long, placed almost vertically.
All the articulations are well angulated.
FEET : Lean, narrow, of elongated oval shape (called « harefeet »); toes arched, tight; nails long, strong, touching the ground.
GAIT / MOVEMENT  : When not hunting, the typical gait of the Borzoi is the extended trot, effortless, very supple and lifting; when  hunting the charging gallop is extremely fast, with leaps of great length.
SKIN : Supple, elastic.
HAIR : Silky, soft and supple, wavy or forming short curls, but never small tight curls.  On the head, the ears and the limbs, the hair is satiny (silky but heavier), short, close lying.  On the body, the hair is quite long, wavy; on the regions of the shoulder blades and the croup, the hair forms finer curls; on the ribs and thighs, the hair is shorter; the hair which forms the fringes, the « breeches » and the feathering of the tail is longer. The coat on the neck is dense and abundant.
COLOUR : All colour combinations, but never with blue, brown (chocolate) and any derivatives of these colours.
All the colours may be solid or pied.  The fringes, « breeches », featherings of the tail are considerably lighter than the ground colour. For the overlaid colours a black mask is typical.
Desirable height  at  the withers :  dogs:75 - 85 cm,  bitches: 68 - 78 cm.
In males, the height at the withers is equal or barely superior to that from the summit of  the croup to the ground.  In females, these heights are equal. Subjects exceeding the maximum height are acceptable provided the typical morphology is preserved.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog, especially:
Teeth :
· Small, abnormally worn teeth. Absence of one PM2.
· PM1s and M3s are not taken into account.
Colour :
· Flecks of the same shade as the ground colour.
General appearance :
· Stocky appearance; short trunk.
· Heavy, round bone.
Head :
· Soft tissues.
· Blunt muzzle.
· Very pronounced stop.
· Very pronounced zygomatic arches.
· Occiput not pronounced.
· Lack of one PM3, one PM4 (lower jaw), one M1 (upper jaw), one M2.
· Deep set; yellow or light; slit eyes (too narrow palpebral aperture); showing haw.
·Thick, coarse, with rounded tips.
· Presence of dewlap.
· Sagging; straight back in males.
· Goose rump.
· Pendulous, insufficiently tucked up.
· Coarse; in action, falling downwards.
· Scapular-humeral angle too open (straight shoulder)
· In or out at elbows.
· Forearm : Of round cross-section. Any deviation of the forearm.
· Knuckling over.
· Weak in pasterns.
· Over angulated or too straight angulation.
· Close behind or spread hocks.
· Tendency to broad, round, thick feet; cat feet, flat feet; spread toes.
Colour: Flecks on the body of another shade than the ground colour.
Behaviour / Temperament:
· Aggressive or overly shy.
· Overshot or undershot mouth.
· Wry mouth. 
· Lack of one incisor, one canine, one carnassial tooth (PM4-upper jaw  –  M1-lower jaw), lack of more than 4 teeth (any four teeth).
· Faulty position of one or both canines of the lower jaw which, when the mouth is shut, can damage the upper gums or the palate.
Eye: Wall eye.
Tail: Corkscrew tail, broken tail (fused vertebrae), docked, even partially.
Hindquarters: Presence of dewclaws.
Colour: Brown (chocolate), Blue.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


FCI-Standard N° 77  / 06. 04. 1998 / GB 
ORIGIN : France, Belgium.
CLASSIFICATION FCI:  Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs. Section 9 Continental Toy Spaniels. Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Small de luxe Toy spaniel, of a normal and harmonious build, with long hair, moderately long muzzle shorter than the skull, lively personality, graceful yet robust, proud carriage with an easy and elegant gait.  His body is somewhat longer than high.
HEAD: In normal proportion to the body and proportionately lighter and shorter than in the Spaniel of large or medium size.
Skull : Not too rounded neither in profile nor from the front, sometimes showing a slight trace of medial furrow.
Stop: Depression sufficiently accentuate.  In the heavier dogs, this depression is less evident yet still defined; in the very small dogs it is clearly marked without ever showing sudden break.
Nose : Small, black and round, but slightly flattened on top.
Muzzle : Shorter than the skull, fine, pointed and not too hollow on the sides; must not be turned up.
Nasal bridge : Straight.
Lips : Strongly pigmented, thin and tight.
Jaws/Teeth : Quite strong, closing well and normally.
Tongue : Must not be visible; the fact that it is constantly visible or not drawn in when touched by the finger is a fault.
Eyes : Rather large, well open, in the shape of a large almond, not prominent, set rather low in the head, the inner corner is at the intersection of the skull and the muzzle.  Dark in colour and very expressive; eyelid strongly pigmented.
Ears : Quite fine but firm.  Whether it is the oblique ear or the hanging ear, when examined by hand, the cartilage must not end in too sharp a point.  The ears are set on rather far back on the head, sufficiently apart one from the other, so as to reveal the slightly rounded shape of the skull.
·      Variety with hanging ears, called : PHALENE.
The ear at rest is set high, considerably higher than the eye line, carried hanging and yet quite mobile.  Garnished with wavy hair which may reach quite a length which gives the dog a pretty appearance.
·      Variety with erect ears, called : PAPILLON.
The ear is set on high, the auricle (external ear) well open and turned to the side; the inner edge of the auricle forming an angle of approx. 45° with the horizontal.  In no case must the ear point upwards, which would be like a Spitz type ear and must definitely be rejected.  The inside of the auricle is covered with fine hairs, also wavy.  The longest hairs extending slightly beyond the edge of the ear; the outer face, on the contrary, is covered with long hair forming hanging fringes extending well beyond the edges of the ear.  Cross-breeding of the two varieties often produces semi-erect ears, with drooping tip; this mixed form of ear carriage is a serious fault.
NECK : Of moderate length, a little arched at the nape.
Topline : Neither too short or arched, nor saddled, without however being flat.
Loin : Solid and slightly arched.
Chest : Wide, fairly well let down.  The circumference of the thorax taken between the past two ribs must be approximately equivalent to the height at the withers.  Ribs well arched.
Belly : Slightly drawn up.
TAIL : Set quite high, rather long, abundant fringe forming a lovely plume.  When the dog is in action, it is carried raised along the line of the back and curved, the extreme tip may touch the back; never should it curl or lie flat on the back.
LIMBS : Legs straight, firm, fine.  The dog must not seem to be raised up; seen either from the front or from back, the legs are parallel.
Shoulders : Well developed, well attached to the body.
Arm : Of equal length as the shoulder-blade, normally angulated and well joined with it, well attached to the body.
Pastern : Apparent in profile.
Hockjoint : Normally angulated.
FEET : Rather long, called « hare feet » resting evenly on their pads.  Strong nails, preferably black, lighter in the dogs with brown or white coats (the white nails in white dogs or in dogs with white legs do not constitute a fault if the dog is otherwise well pigmented).  The toes are strong with a tough pad, well furnished in between with fine hair extending beyond the tip of the foot and forming a point.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Proud, free, easy and elegant.
HAIR : The coat, without undercoat, is abundant, glossy, wavy (not to be confused with curly), not soft but slightly resistant to the touch, with silky reflections.  The hairs are inserted flat; they are quite fine, slightly curved by the wave.  The appearance of the coat is similar to that of the English Toy Spaniels, but it differs definitely from that of the Pekingese Spaniel; at the same time it should not have any resemblance to the coat of the Spitz.  The hair is short on the face, the muzzle, the front of the legs and the underneath part of the hock.
Of medium length on the body, it gets longer on the neck to form a ruff and jabot, descending in waves on the chest; forming fringes at the ears and at the back of the forelegs; at the back of the thighs, an ample culotte with soft hair.  There may be small tufts of hair between the toes and may even extend slightly beyond providing they do not give a heavy appearance to the foot, but rather give it a finer appearance by lengthening it.  Certain dogs in good coat condition have hair 7,5 cm long at the withers and fringes of 15 cm on the tail.
COLOURS : All colours are admitted on a coat with a white background.  On the body and legs, the white must be dominant in relation to the colour.  The white on the head preferably extended by a more or less wide blaze.  A white marking is admitted on the lower part of the head, but dominant white on the head constitutes a fault.  In all cases, the lips, the eyelids and principally the nose must be pigmented.
Height at the withers  : About 28 cm.
Weight : two categories : 1) Less than 2,5 kg for dogs and bitches.
                                       2) From 2,5 kg to 4,5 kg for dogs,
                                       From 2,5 kg to 5    kg for bitches.
                                       Minimum weight 1,5 kg.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Skull flat, apple-shaded and bulging as in the small English Toy Spaniels.
Stop too much or insufficiently accentuated.
Nose not black.
Muzzle arched or hollow.
Depigmentation of the lips.
Overshot and especially undershot mouth.
Eye small, too round, prominent; light in colour; showing white when the dog looks straight ahead.
Depigmentation on the edges of the eyelids.
Roach- or saddle back.
Tail curly, resting on the back; falling on the side (that is the bone and not the fringes which, because of their length, fall in locks).
Forelegs bowed.
Pastern joints knotty.
Hindquarters weak.
Hindquarters, which, seen from the back, are out of the vertical at the stifle, the hocks and the feet.
Single or double dewclaws on the hind legs are undesirable and constitute a beauty fault.  Their removal is therefore advisable.
Feet turning inwards or outwards.
Nails not touching the ground.
Coat poor, soft or blown (puffed up); hair planted straight or itself straight; woolly hair; undercoat indicating cross-breading with the Spitz.
Aggresive or overly shy.
Pink or pink spotted nose.
Excessive prognathism, overshot or undershot to the point where the incisors do not touch anymore.
Tongue paralysed or constantly visible. 
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. 
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


FCI-Standard N° 332  / 03. 09. 1999 / GB
ORIGIN : The former Czechoslovakian Republic.
PATRONAGE : Slovakian Republic.
UTILIZATION : Working Dog.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs. Section 1 Sheepdogs. With working trial.       
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : In the year 1955 a biological experiment took place in the CSSR of that time, namely, the crossing of a German Shepherd Dog with a Carpathian wolf.  The experiment established that the progeny of the mating of male dog to female wolf as well as that of male wolf to female dog, could be reared.  The vast majority of the products of these matings possessed the genetic requirements for continuation of breeding.  In the year 1965, after the ending of the experiment, a plan for the breeding of this new breed was worked out.  This was to combine the usable qualities of the wolf with the favourable qualities of the dog.  In the year 1982, the Ceskoslovenský Vlciak, through the general committee of the breeders’ associations of the CSSR of that time, was recognized as a national breed.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Firm type in constitution.  Above average size with rectangular frame.  In body shape, movement, coat texture, colour of coat and mask, similar to the wolf.
- Length of body : Height at withers = 10 : 9.
- Length of muzzle : Length of cranial region = 1 : 1.5.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Lively, very active, capable of endurance, docile with quick reactions.  Fearless and courageous.  Suspicious.  Shows tremendous loyalty towards his master.  Resistant to weather conditions.  Versatile in his uses.
HEAD : Symmetrical, well muscled.  Seen from the side and from above, it forms a blunt wedge.  Sex should be unmistakable.
Skull : Seen from the side and from the front, the forehead is slightly arched.  No marked frontal furrow.  Occipital bone clearly visible.
Stop : Moderate.
Nose : Oval shape, black.
Muzzle : Clean, not broad; straight bridge of nose.
Lips : Tight fitting.  No gap at corner of mouth.  Rims of lips are black.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong and symmetrical.  Well developed teeth, specially the canines.  Scissor or pincer bite with 42 teeth according to the usual tooth set.  Regular teeth set.
Cheeks : Clean, sufficiently muscled, not markedly protruding.
Eyes : Small, slanting, amber coloured.  Well fitting lids.
Ears : Pricked, thin, triangular, short (i.e. not longer than 1/6th of the height at withers); the lateral point of the set on of the ears and the outer corner of the eyes are in a direct line.  A vertical line from tip of ear would run close along the head.
NECK : Dry, well muscled.  In repose forms an angle of up to 40 degrees to the horizontal.  The neck must be sufficiently long for the nose to touch the ground effortlessly.
Topline : Flowing transition from neck to body.  Sloping away sligthly.
Withers : Well muscled, pronounced.  Though pronounced, they must not interrupt the flow of the topline.
Back : Firm and straight.
Loins : Short, well muscled, not broad, sloping slightly.
Croup : Short, well muscled, not broad, falling away slightly.
Chest : Symmetrical, well muscled, roomy, pear-shaped and narrowing towards the sternum.  The depth of chest does not reach to the elbows.  The point of the sternum does not extend beyond the shoulder joints.
Lower line and Belly : Taut bellly, tucked up.  Slightly hollow in flanks.
TAIL : Set on high, hanging straight down.  When dog is excited, generally raised in sickle shape.
FOREQUARTERS : The front legs are straight, strong, clean and close together with slightly turned out feet.
Shoulders : The shoulder blade is placed rather far forward, well muscled.  It forms an angle of nearly 65 degrees to the horizontal.
Upper arm : Strongly muscled, forms an angle of 120 to 130 degrees to the shoulder blade.
Elbows : Close fitting, turned neither in nor out, well defined, flexible.  Upper arm and forearm form an angle of approximately 150 degrees.
Forearm : Long, clean and straight.  The length of the forearm and pastern is 55% of height at withers.
Pastern joint : Solid, flexible.
Pastern : Long, forms an angle of at least 75 degrees to the ground.  Lightly springy in movement.
Front feet : Large, turned slightly outwards.  Longish arched toes and strong, dark nails.  Well defined, elastic, dark pads.
HINDQUARTERS : Powerful.  The hind legs stand parallel.  An imaginary vertical line drawn from the point of the ischium, would run midway through the hock joint.  The dewclaws are undesirable and must be eliminated.
Upper thigh : Long, well muscled.  Forms an angle of 80 degrees to the pelvis.  The hip joint is sturdy and flexible.
Stifle : Strong and flexible.
Lower thigh : Long, clean, well muscled.  Forms an angle of about 130 degrees with the hock.
Hock joint : Clean, solid, flexible.
Hock : Long, clean.  Position almost vertical to the ground.
Hind feet : Longish, arched toes with strong dark nails.
GAIT / MOVEMENT  : Harmonious, light-footed, ground covering trot in which the limbs skim over the ground as closely as possible.  Head and neck incline to the horizontal.  Pacing when walking.
SKIN : Elastic, tight, without wrinkles, unpigmented.
HAIR : Straight and close.  Winter and summer coat differ greatly.  In winter an immense undercoat is predominant and, together with the topcoat, forms a thick coat all over the body.  It is necessary for the hair to cover the belly, the inside of the upper thigh, the scrotum, the inner part of the ear and the area between the toes.  Well coated neck.
COLOUR : Yellowish-gray to silver-gray with a charateristic light mask.  Light hair also on the underside of the neck and the forechest.  Dark gray colour with light mask is permissible.
Height at withers :   Dogs at least         65 cm,
                               Bitches at least     60 cm.
Weight :                  Dogs at least         26 kg,
                               Bitches at least     20 kg.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
·      Heavy or light head. 
·      Flat forehead.
·      The absence of two PM1 (premolar 1) or of both M3 (molar 3) is not to be penalized.  However, the absence of one M3 in addition to 2 PM1 or the absence of one PM1 in addition to both M3 is to be considered as a fault.
·      Dark brown, black or different coloured eyes.
·      Coarse ear.  High or low set-on of ear.
·      Neck carried high in repose; low position of neck when standing.
·      Unpronounced withers.
·      Untypical topline.
·      Long croup.
·      Tail long, set on low and not carried correctly.
·      Too little or too much angulation in forequarters.
·      Weak pastern.
·      Too little or too much angulation in hindquarters.  Insufficient muscle.
·      Barely pronounced mask.
·      Short, wavy movement. 
·      Aggresive or overly shy.
·      Discrepancy in proportions.
·      Faults in deportment and temperament.
·      Untypical head.
·      Missing teeth (except 2 PM1 and the M 3, see § faults), irregular bite.
·      Untypical shape and position of eyes.
·      Untypical set-on and shape of ears.
·      Dewlap.
·      Strong slope in croup.
·      Untypical ribcage.
·      Tail untypical in set on and carriage.
·      Faulty and untypical position of front legs.
·      Stand-off and untypical coat.
·      Colours other than those in the standard.
·      Slack ligaments.
·      Untypical movement.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


FCI-Standard N° 111 / 28.10.2009 / GB  
 ORIGIN : Great Britain.
 CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :    Group    8     Retrievers, Flushing Dogs, Water Dogs.
                                          Section  1     Retrievers.
                                          With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Symmetrical, balanced, active, powerful, level mover; sound with kindly expression.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Biddable, intelligent and possessing natural working ability; kindly, friendly and confident.
HEAD : Balanced and well chiselled.
Skull : Broad without coarseness; well set on neck.
Stop : Well defined.
Nose : Preferably black.
Muzzle : Powerful, wide and deep. Length of foreface approximately equals length from stop to occiput.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes : Dark brown, set well apart, dark rims.
Ears : Moderate size, set on approximate level with eyes.
NECK : Good length, clean and muscular.
BODY : Balanced.
Back : Level topline.
Loins : Strong, muscular, short-coupled.
Chest : Deep through heart. Ribs deep, well sprung.
TAIL : Set on and carried level with back, reaching to hocks, without curl at tip.
FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs straight with good bone.
Shoulder : Well laid back, long in blade.
Upper arm : Of equal length as the shoulder blade, placing legs well under body.
Elbow : Close fitting.
Forefeet : Round and cat-like.
HINDQUARTERS : Hindlegs strong and muscular.
Stifle : Well bent.
Lower thigh : Good.
Hock : Well let down, straight when viewed from rear, neither turning in nor out.  Cow-hocks highly undesirable.
Hind feet : Round and cat-like.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Powerful with good drive. Straight and true in front and rear. Stride long and free with no sign of hackney action in front.
Hair : Flat or wavy with good feathering, dense water-resisting undercoat.
COLOUR : Any shade of gold or cream, neither red nor mahogany.  A few white hairs on chest only, permissible.
Height at withers :     Dogs       56 - 61 cm (22-24 ins);
                                 Bitches   51 - 56 cm (20-22 ins).                   
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon      the health and welfare of the dog and on its ability to perform its traditional work. 
Aggressive or overly shy.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. 
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


FCI-Standard N° 352  / 12.06.2006 / GB
TRANSLATION : RKF, revised by R. Triquet and J. Mulholland.
ORIGIN : Russia.
UTILIZATION: Companion Dog.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 9 Companion and Toy dogs. Section 9 Continental Toy Spaniels and Russian Toys. Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY:  At the beginning of the 20th century, the English Toy Terrier was one of the most popular toy dogs in Russia.  However, in the period 1920 – 1950 the breeding of pure toy terriers was almost stopped and the number of dogs fell to a critical level.  Only in the mid-fifties did Russian dog-breeders begin the revival of the breed.  Practically all dogs which were used for breeding had no pedigrees; many of them were not pure blood.  The Standard drafted for Toy Terriers significantly differed from that of the English Toy Terrier in many aspects.  From this moment, the evolution of the breed in Russia went its own way.
On the 12th of October, 1958 two smooth-haired dogs, one of which had slightly longer hair, gave birth to a male dog with a spectacular fringes on ears and limbs.  It was decided to keep this feature.
The male was mated with a female which also  had slightly long hair.  Thus the longhaired variety of the Russian Toy appeared.  It was called Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier. 
A dog breeder from Moscow, Yevgueniya Fominichna Zharova, played an important role in the creation of this breed variant.
It was during a long period of development, in an  isolated context,  along with  a specifically conducted  selection that a new breed was created  : the Russian Toy  with two varieties:
Longhaired and smooth-haired.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A small elegant dog, lively, long-legged, with fine bone and lean muscles.  Sexual dimorphism only slightly defined.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS:   Square build. The height at elbows is  only slightly more than half of the height at withers ; the chest is sufficiently deep. 
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Active, very cheerful, neither cowardly nor aggressive.  The behaviour is significantly different between males and females.
HEAD: Small compared to the body.
Skull: High but not too wide (width at the  level of zygomatic arches does not exceed the depth of the skull).
Stop: Clearly pronounced.
Nose: Small, black or matching the coat colour.
Muzzle: Lean and pointed, slightly shorter than the skull.
Lips: Thin, lean, tight- fitting and dark or matching the coat colour.
Jaws/Teeth: Small, white.  Scissor bite.  Absence of 2 incisors permitted in each jaw.
Cheekbones: Only slightly pronounced.
Eyes: Quite large, rounded, dark, slightly prominent, set well apart and looking straight ahead. Eyelids are dark or matching the coat colour, tightly fitting.
Ears: Big, thin, set high, erect.
NECK: Long, lean, carried high, slightly arched.
Topline: Gradually sloping from the withers to the root of the tail.
Withers: Slightly pronounced.
Back: Strong and straight.
Loin: Short and slightly arched.
Croup: The croup is somewhat rounded and slightly sloping.
Chest: The chest is oval, sufficiently deep and not too wide.
Underline and Belly: Tucked up belly and drawn up flanks, forming a nicely curved line from the chest to the flanks.
TAIL: Docked (only two or three vertebrae are left), carried high. In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, it is left in its natural state. Undocked: sickle tail.  It should not be carried lower than back level.
FOREQUARTERS: Thin and lean; seen from the front, the front legs are straight and parallel.
Shoulders: The shoulder blades are moderately long and not too sloping.
Upper arm: Forming an angle of 105 degrees with the shoulder blade.  The length of upper arm is approximately equal to the length of shoulder.
Elbows: In line with the body.
Forearm: Long, straight.
Carpus (Wrist):  Lean.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Almost vertical.
Forefeet: Small, oval,  turning neither in nor out.   Toes well-knit  and arched.  Nails and resilient pads are black or match the coat colour.
HINDQUARTERS: Seen from the rear, the hind legs are straight and parallel, but standing a little  bit wider than the forelegs.  Stifles and hocks are sufficiently bent.
Upper thigh: Muscles are lean and developed.
Lower thigh: The upper and lower thighs are of the same length.
Hock: Sufficiently angulated.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Vertical.
Hind feet: Arched , a little bit narrower than forefeet.  Nails and pads are black or match the coat colour.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Easy, straightforward, fast.  No noticeable change in the topline when moving.
SKIN: Thin, dry and tight-fitting.
HAIR: There exists two types for the breed: smooth-haired and longhaired.
Smooth-haired: short, close-lying, shiny hair, without undercoat or bald patches.
Longhaired: body is covered with moderately long (3-5 cm), straight  or  slightly wavy hair,  close-lying, which does not hide the natural outline of the  body .  Hair on the head and on the front part of limbs is short and close -lying.  Distinct feathers on rear side of limbs.  The feet have long,  silky hair  which completely hides the nails.  Ears are covered with thick, long hair forming a fringe.  Dogs of more than 3 years have such a fringe,  which should completely hide the outer edges and tips of the ears.  Body hair should not look tousled nor be  too short (less than 2 cm.).
COLOUR: Black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan. Also red of any shade with or without black or brown overlay.  Richer shades are preferable for all colours.
Height at withers: Dogs and bitches: 20 – 28 cm  (tolerance +/- 1 cm)
Weight: Dogs and bitches: up to 3 kg.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Timid behaviour.
Level bite or incisors sloping forward.
Semi-pricked ears.  This condition in longhaired dogs with heavy fringes is permissible but not desirable.
Low set tail.
Presence of bald patches in smooth-haired dogs.
Too long or too short hair on body of longhaired dogs.
Small white spots on chest and toes.
Solid black, brown and blue colours.  Tan markings too large or with dark shadings.
· Aggressive, overly shy.
· Overshot, pronounced undershot.Absence of 1 canine; absence of more than 2 incisors in either jaw.
·  Hanging ears.
· Short legs.
· Many bald patches in short-haired dogs.
· Longhaired dogs: absence of fringes on ears and presence of curly hair.
· White coat,  white spots on the head, abdomen and above metacarpus; large white patches on chest and throat, presence of brindle markings.
· Size over 30 cm or under 18 cm.
· Weight less than 1 kg.
Any dogs clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
NB: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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